Proposal: Harmony with Nature
Timed out 2 votes to 3. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 28 Oct 2019 09:12:07 UTC
Add a rule called “Natural Equilibrium”:
If at any time the MGTA becomes zero, all EMs have achieved Victory.
Since we have a group loss condition, I thought it would be fitting to have a group win condition.
This appears to be impossible to achieve, unfortunately.
Sadly, this is not a cooperative. The end result, as far as victory, would be that whomever knocked it down to 0 would also be first in line to actually declare victory. And thus, nobody would want to work to get close enough, only for someone else to snipe it, am I right?
But as a thematic piece to a global puzzle, I like it. Kind of like hoping people could all just “get along” and “work together”.