Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Story Post: Haul: The Blacksmith

Clucky, 4st, JonathanDark, Juniper and Desertfrog are agreed. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 02 May 2024 07:40:32 UTC

By the light of the cooling furnace, the thieves found 17 loose Florins and an Unappraised Gem.

All Thieves adopted a Standard Plan for the job, except for Josh who chose to Pocket.


JonathanDark: he/him

01-05-2024 18:34:06 UTC

Since Josh already pocketed 1 Florin, I propose that 4st, Clucky, Desertfrog, JonathanDark, Juniper.ohyegods, lendunistus, NadNavillus, and Xebec each get 2 Florins, Josh gets 1 Florin, and Juniper.ohyegods gets the Unappraised Gem.

Clucky: he/him

01-05-2024 18:52:34 UTC

Josh turned his back on us and will likely do it again. I also think the Gem has pretty good upside potential, so don’t think whoever gets it needs the gem, as it should net you on average like 5.5 Florins.

So I propose that 4st, Juniper.ohyegods, and lendunistus each get 3 Florins; Xebec gets the Unapprised Gem and then Clucky, DesertFrog, JonathanDark and NadNavillus each get 2 Florins, which Josh gets nothing.


01-05-2024 19:17:12 UTC

I agree with Clucky, this is good plan 10/10 do it again. teehee!

Josh: he/they

01-05-2024 19:38:18 UTC

I see the rich (Clucky with his 10 florins, JonathanDark with his fancy candlestick) are trying to keep those poorer than them down. On international workers day no less! Yes, I took a florin, but if I hadn’t I’d still be on the ground floor - with 4st, Juniper, lendun and Xebec.

As usual, the fat cats would rather turn us against each other than accept anyone scrutinising their own wealth. How quickly we created our own capitalism!

Desertfrog has a total of 10 Florins so they can join team fatcat as well. The rest of us need to even the score.

The gem is worth an average of 5.5 so I propose Xebec gets the gem, lendun gets 5, Juniper gets 5, 4st gets 4, I get 3, everyone else accepts that the resitribution of wealth is a moral imperative in a just economy.

JonathanDark: he/him

01-05-2024 19:43:42 UTC

I agree with Clucky

Juniper.ohyegods: she/her

01-05-2024 21:19:22 UTC

I agree with Clucky’s proposal


02-05-2024 06:24:56 UTC

I agree with Clucky