Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Story Post: Haul: The Candlemaker

JonathanDark, Clucky, NadNavillus, Juniper and Desertfrog are agreed.

Adminned at 08 May 2024 17:50:20 UTC

Hearing an unfamiliar tread on the stair before they had reached agreement on how to split the last night’s loot, the thieves have no choice but to take it all along with them on their next job, losing a little of it in the rush - four Florins are lost.

A break-in at the candlemaker’s brings in 20 Florins and a Lockpick; Juniper had Scouted out where the cash was kept, while the others pursued a Standard approach.

Adding this to the remnants of the previous Punted Haul, the group now have a total of 31 Florins, two Lockpicks and a Gold Ring to divide up.


JonathanDark: he/him

07-05-2024 16:37:17 UTC

Since Desertfrog and 4st didn’t see fit to participate in the previous Haul, causing us to lose 4 Florins, I think their cut should be reduced this time around.

I propose that NadNavillus gets the Gold Ring, JonathanDark and NadNavillus each gets a Lockpick, Clucky and Juniper.ohyegods get 8 Florins, JonathanDark gets 7 Florins, and 4st and Desertfrog get 4 Florins.

Clucky: he/him

07-05-2024 16:43:24 UTC

I agree with JonathanDark


07-05-2024 16:48:33 UTC

I propose instead a more fair distribution, no point in arguing over our losses, as there will be more losses if you don’t get more agreement and I stay active. However I agree we can cut Desertfrog out still, so I’ll just take his share for now, unless we hear from them.

Therefore, 31 florins, 2 lockpicks, and a gold ring should be distributed as such:
Nadnavillus gets the Gold Ring, JonathanDark and NadNavillus each get a lockpick.
Clucky, Juniper.ohyegods, and 4st each get 8 florins, and JonathanDark gets 7 florins.

Clucky: he/him

07-05-2024 16:59:11 UTC

I don’t think its fair to cut Frog out completely for missing a round.

I also think its totally fair though to punish 4st and Frog for missing a round, give it did cost us some collective florins.

Clucky: he/him

07-05-2024 17:00:40 UTC

also worth noting that Lendun will go idle *before* this one times out. So even if its just Juniper / Nad / JonathdanDark / myself voting again, we’ll actually get quorum that time.

NadNavillus: he/him

07-05-2024 19:51:35 UTC

I agree with JonathanDark

Juniper.ohyegods: she/her

08-05-2024 09:32:08 UTC

Screw it, I’m going to agree with Clucky. If we lose some, I’ll change my Plan to give us more.


08-05-2024 17:36:45 UTC

I agree with JonathanDark