Monday, May 13, 2024

Story Post: Haul: The Inn

NadNavillus, Juniper, Clucky, JonathanDark and 4st are agreed.

Adminned at 14 May 2024 08:49:03 UTC

A long evening of cheap food and drink at an inn across town is interspersed with well-timed trips to the rooms on the upper floor, without attracting the attention of other patrons or the landlord. Clucky, Juniper and NadNavillus Scout the rooms out, JonathanDark Unlocks a promising wardrobe, 4st attempts and fails to Unlock a storeroom door using brute force, and Xebec keeps a Standard watch down in the bar.

The previous Haul, having been punted, is brought along, but by the end of the night only 3 Florins and a Loupe can be found of it.

The Haul is now 24 Florins, a Loupe, an Unappraised Gem and a Lockpick.


Juniper.ohyegods: she/her

13-05-2024 10:41:34 UTC

I propose that Clucky, Juniper, and NadNacillus get 5 Florins for Scouting, Xebec gets 3 Florins for being Standard, 4st get the Lockpick because he didn’t do this one successfully plus 4 Florins, and JonathanDark gets the Unappraised Gem and a Loupe, plus 2 Florins.

Nad: he/him

13-05-2024 11:54:26 UTC

I propose:

Juniper gets the unappraised gem and 1 florin, JonathanDark gets the loupe and 3 florins, 4st gets the lockpick and 6 florins and Clucky, NadNavillus get 7 Florins each.


13-05-2024 13:57:29 UTC

I agree with NadNavillus

Clucky: he/him

13-05-2024 14:31:41 UTC

I agree with NadNavillus

Clucky: he/him

13-05-2024 14:34:08 UTC

Raid Jewelry Store

JonathanDark: he/him

13-05-2024 15:31:21 UTC

I agree with NadNavillus.

Raid Jewelry Store

Clucky: he/him

13-05-2024 16:26:50 UTC

I propose that everything goes to Clucky (buying us time to determine if we want to raid or not)


13-05-2024 16:37:32 UTC

I agree with Nadnavillus.

Raid Jewelry Store

Nad: he/him

13-05-2024 17:09:58 UTC

Augmenting my proposal to include the raid:

I propose:

Juniper gets the unappraised gem and 1 florin, JonathanDark gets the loupe and 3 florins, 4st gets the lockpick and 6 florins and Clucky, NadNavillus get 7 Florins each.

Raid: Jewelery Store

Juniper.ohyegods: she/her

13-05-2024 21:40:43 UTC

Fine. Agree with NadNavillus.

Clucky: he/him

14-05-2024 00:01:36 UTC

its the same proposal so I’m not sure if we need to agree again.

I’m mostly just concerned if

If there is a single Target for which a quorum of Free Thieves included the string “Raid X” in a comment on the Haul Post,

Holds, given Nad did not say “Raid X” but instead “Raid: X”

Clucky: he/him

14-05-2024 00:18:15 UTC

well quorom is now 3 so it doesn’t actually matter I agree with NadNavillus

JonathanDark: he/him

14-05-2024 01:01:09 UTC

I agree with NadNavillus

Juniper.ohyegods: she/her

14-05-2024 05:45:22 UTC

That’s 4 (I think)