Friday, May 17, 2024

Story Post: Haul: The Tinsmith

Clucky, Jonathan and NadNavillus are agreed.

Adminned at 18 May 2024 10:14:49 UTC

Clucky and Jonathan scout out the building from across the street, and NadNavillus eavesdrops to learn when the workshop will be left unattended. A few hours later, 4st leaps in through an upper window, unbolts the main door from the inside and the team clear the place out. Juniper lays low.

The Haul is 14 Florins, a Candlestick and a Helm.


Nad: he/him

17-05-2024 12:54:26 UTC

I propose:

4st gets Helm and 2 florin, Clucky gets the Candlestick and 2 florin, JonthanDark and Nadnavillus get 5 florins.

Nad: he/him

17-05-2024 12:55:46 UTC

Opps, 4st already has a helm, how about…...

I propose:

Clucky gets Helm and 2 florin, 4st gets the Candlestick and 2 florin, JonthanDark and Nadnavillus get 5 florins.

Clucky: Puzzle Master he/him

17-05-2024 15:30:40 UTC

Given JonathanDark and I both took on 3 Notoriety to give us +14 Florins, don’t think I should be stuck with the helm while Nad gets equal profits to JD despite both spending less *and* contributing less

I propose 4st get the Candlestick and 2 Florins, Nad get the Helm and 2 Florins. Jonathan and Clucky get 5 Florins each

Nad: he/him

17-05-2024 16:09:09 UTC

Not against this but I did take an action that cost 2 Notoriety.

Not sure I should take a hit because I happen to have a cloak. If that’s the case, we will need to start inflating gem values to those that have loupes, etc.  And perhaps to those that have been stealing during the hustles from other thieves.

Nad: he/him

17-05-2024 16:21:11 UTC

I am happy to agree with Clucky for this proposal.

But arguing for equity when three thieves took an Informant hustle is starting to get old.

JonathanDark: he/him

17-05-2024 17:23:14 UTC

I agree with Clucky.

JonathanDark: he/him

17-05-2024 17:28:40 UTC

Also, NadNavillus, your complaint about Hustles is a bit off the mark. Based on the gamestate history, you’ve been doing quite well with your Hustle choice vs everyone else, so if anyone should be dinged for their Hustle gains, it’s you.

Not counting the most recent Hustle, the last three before that were you gaining 4 Florins each time, no one else gaining any, and Juniper losing Florins:

Nad: he/him

17-05-2024 18:00:01 UTC

Sure, that is the case BUT, those florins are not coming from other thieves.  Big difference in my mind.

I won’t even mention the blackmail <wink, wink>

Nad: he/him

17-05-2024 18:02:16 UTC

There are some thieves cutting hauls with some folks and dipping into their pockets right after.  That’s fine we all have to take care of our families but lets not pretend that everything is equal.

Nad: he/him

17-05-2024 18:28:24 UTC

And I will go on record that my 4 florin gains are from Pickpocket coming from all other thieves not taking pickpocket. 

Juniper losing florins and groups of 3 are coming from elsewhere. I can’t get framed for that deal.

Nad: he/him

17-05-2024 19:57:00 UTC

Just to be sure:

I agree with Clucky

Clucky: Puzzle Master he/him

17-05-2024 20:22:07 UTC

“Not against this but I did take an action that cost 2 Notoriety.

Not sure I should take a hit because I happen to have a cloak. If that’s the case, we will need to start inflating gem values to those that have loupes, etc.  And perhaps to those that have been stealing during the hustles from other thieves.”

The cloak is irrelevant to the calculations. You took an action that cost 2 Notoriety, others took actions that cost Notoriety. You took an action that gave us on average like 3 overall value. Others took actions that gave us on average ~6 overall value.

Nad: he/him

17-05-2024 20:28:55 UTC

Sure, I can agree with that. Then descrease all suspected Infromants by three and we got a good thing going!

Clucky: Puzzle Master he/him

17-05-2024 23:19:31 UTC

as has already been pointed out, you’re literally making more Florins off the Hustles than anyone else is. Would you rather more people pickpocket so that you get less overall?

Nad: he/him

17-05-2024 23:41:50 UTC

Not sure how your doing your math I had a net gain of 5 after the theft, where one of the informants made of with 7. You’re forgetting that half the hustles are hidden.

Clucky: Puzzle Master he/him

18-05-2024 05:33:14 UTC

Which haul at you referring to? From Jonathan Dark’s math, you’ve been getting +4 per haul from the hustles alone. Which is more than anyone else can possibly get.