Proposal: He be stealin’ ma things man
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 06 Mar 2010 10:41:26 UTC
Create a rule called Burglary:
As a weekly action, a Commoner may attempt to burgle the workshop of another Commoner. The success of the raid shall be determined by rolling 1DICE3. A result of 1 shall be taken as a successful burglary, a result of 2 or 3 shall be taken as failure due to being interrupted.
In the event of performing a successful burglary, a Commoner may choose to receive 2 of the following and subtract the same from the current resources of the targeted Commoner.
10 Coal
5 Iron
5 Wood
3 Quicksilver
3 CaffeineIf this would result in either player having an illegal value, they instead receive the maximum legal amount of that specific resource.
Cogs and gems are the most valuable of resources and as such are presumed to be kept on a Commoners person at all times.In the event of failing an attempted burglary, the Commoner will drop 1DICE5 cogs in their haste to flee. If this would result in an illegal value, the maximum legal number of cogs shall be dropped.
All changes must be updated on the GNDT by the Commoner who initiated the burglary.
Kevan: he/him
Nice idea, but it needs a stronger drawback - losing cogs isn’t a problem if you don’t have any to start with. (And 75% of players don’t have any cogs, at the time of writing.)