Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Header Image

I don’t know if anyone had thought about a new Header Image, but my friend Tim has made this one:


Devenger: Idle

09-07-2008 17:43:34 UTC

Looks fine to me. Scale it down a bit, and this has my for vote.

Oze: Idle

09-07-2008 17:44:09 UTC

Full Size:

Oze: Idle

09-07-2008 17:46:28 UTC

If we wanted the header to blend in with the rest of the page, we could change the HEX code in the stylesheet to #829B69

Rodlen: Idle

09-07-2008 18:55:37 UTC


Amnistar: he/himIdle

09-07-2008 19:26:29 UTC

You’re an admin Oze, get Yoda’s aprroval, then Make it so!

Oze: Idle

09-07-2008 19:28:39 UTC

Awaiting Yoda’s approval…

jay: Idle

09-07-2008 19:53:00 UTC


Darknight: he/himIdle

09-07-2008 23:02:03 UTC

for granted yes its not a proposal but its safe to say that we all like it

Yoda: Idle

10-07-2008 03:46:05 UTC

I like it.  for  for  for