Proposal: Healing at Port
1-8. Timed out, failed by Excalabur
Adminned at 25 Jan 2006 11:51:27 UTC
Replace the sentence in the “Motley” rule,
A Swashbuckler with two wooden legs or two eyepatches has their GPS permanently reduced to zero.
A Swashbuckler with two eyepatches has eir GPS reduced to zero for as long as e has two eyepatches. When e has replaced at least one of those eyepatches with an Eye, eir GPS initially remains at one, but e can start increasing it once again. If that Eye is Glass and Functional, e may increase eir GPS only up to 5. If that Eye is Fleshy and Functional, e may increase eir GPS without bound.
Add the following to the end of the second paragraph of the “Motley” rule:
For twenty doubloons, any Swashbuckler may replace one of eir eyepatches with an Eye (Glass, Functional). For thirty-five doubloons, any Swashbuckler may replace one of eir eyepatches with an Eye (Fleshy, Functional). These actions shall be reported in a post to the Blognomic home page.
Add the following to the end of the fourth paragraph of “Motley”:
Both of Eye (Glass, Functional) and Eye (Fleshy, Functional) may be traded with another Swashbuckler in exchange for an eyepatch, if both agree to the trade and make this known in a post to the Blognomic home page. Any eye with the characteristic of (In Hand) may be given freely to another Swashbuckler.
Between the fourth and fifth paragraphs of “Motley”, add the following:
Any Swashbuckler may make the following trades, as well as their respective vice versa trades:
*1 ‘’‘Eye (Glass, Functional, In Hand)’‘’ and 1 ‘’‘Eyepatch (Left)’‘’ for 1 ‘’‘Eye (Glass, Functional, Left)’‘’
*1 ‘’‘Eye (Glass, Functional, In Hand)’‘’ and 1 ‘’‘Eyepatch (Right)’‘’ for 1 ‘’‘Eye (Glass, Functional, Right)’‘’
*1 ‘’‘Eye (Fleshy, Functional, In Hand)’‘’ and 1 ‘’‘Eyepatch (Left)’‘’ for 1 ‘’‘Eye (Fleshy, Functional, Left)’‘’
*1 ‘’‘Eye (Fleshy, Functional, In Hand)’‘’ and 1 ‘’‘Eyepatch (Right)’‘’ for 1 ‘’‘Eye (Fleshy, Functional, Right)’‘’
Rodney: Idle