Friday, August 03, 2018

Proposal: Health for Energy

Times out 2-4. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 05 Aug 2018 16:37:30 UTC

add the following rule to the ruleset:

If a mortal has greater than 0 health, they may decide to trade 10 health for 10 energy. As a supertask, this checks every time if a mortal has more than 0 health, and if a mortal is dead, the other iterations do not occur.



03-08-2018 17:42:50 UTC


derrick: he/him

03-08-2018 18:00:43 UTC


Kevan: he/him

03-08-2018 18:24:02 UTC


Kevan: he/him

03-08-2018 19:43:10 UTC

against Hang on, “trade 10 health for 10 energy” would let you do that either way. And converting energy to health has no zero check.


03-08-2018 19:58:06 UTC

what’s wrong with trading energy for health? It is lower so far and seems more difficult to obtain.


03-08-2018 19:58:23 UTC

(oh, my bad, I should do the zero check for EP as well)

derrick: he/him

03-08-2018 21:19:51 UTC

but can you legally trade health you don’t have? I’m not so sure.


04-08-2018 00:45:41 UTC

it is impossible, if you get to 0 health you die and can’t trade any more


04-08-2018 11:23:23 UTC

against if you can freely trade HP for EP, it’s too much like effectively having one (HP+EP) stat, but more complicated.


05-08-2018 06:59:10 UTC


derrick: he/him

05-08-2018 11:46:16 UTC

against CoV