Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Proposal: Heavy Cargo

Reached quorum, 3-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 30 Aug 2024 06:38:28 UTC

In the rule “Fishing Contestant”, remove the text that begins with “Each Fishing Contestant has a Speed” and ends with “their Speed is 1”. In that same rule, add a subrule named “Speed” with the following text:

Each Fishing Contestant has a Speed which is publicly tracked. A Fishing Contestant’s Catch Weight is the calculated value of that Fishing Contestant’s Catches divided by 15 and rounded down to the nearest integer. A Fishing Contestant’s Coin Weight is the calculated value of that Fishing Contestant’s Doubloons divided by 15 and rounded down to the nearest integer.

A Fishing Contestant’s Speed is equal to the larger of:
* 1
* 4 - their Catch Weight - their Coin Weight

In the rule “Doubloons”, add the following text:

Each Fishing Contestant has a Banked, which is a nonnegative integer, defaulting to 0, that is publicly tracked by putting it in parentheses next to that Fishing Contestant’s amount of Doubloons. As a Daily Action, a Fishing Contestant whose name is in a Shore Cell may perform a Transfer, which is an action in which they perform one of the following:
* Lose a positive amount of their Doubloons that would set their Doubloons to no less than 0, and gain the same amount in their Banked
* Lose a positive amount of their Banked that would set their Banked to no less than 0, and gain the same amount in their Doubloons

Any dynastic action other than Transfer which references or affects a Fishing Contestant’s Doubloons does not reference or affect their Banked.

There is a growing incentive to gain and keep a lot of Doubloons on hand. We need to have some balance against people having a huge amount of Doubloons being able to move around and do what they please, by penalizing carrying too many Doubloons in the same way we penalize carrying too many Catches. Equally, there needs to be a way to offload that penalty by putting spendable Doubloons away for later use.


Darknight: he/him

30-08-2024 02:30:42 UTC



30-08-2024 05:35:08 UTC
