Thursday, September 01, 2022

Proposal: Heirarchy

Reaches quorum with 8-0 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 02 Sep 2022 19:48:52 UTC

If there is no rule “Migrants”, this proposal does nothing.

Add a subrule to “Migrants”. Call it “Society” and give it the following text:

A Migrant may optionally have a Name, which is flavortext. Migrants’ names follow the same restrictions as Baron’s names, and may not be the same as that of any Baron or idle Baron, any other Migrant, or the Demon King. Migrants default to not having a name. A Migrant with a name is Named, and one with no Name is Anonymous. The Demon King may assign a valid Name to any Anonymous Migrant at any time.

A Migrant may optionally have an Allegiance, which is the identity of a Baron, idle Baron or other Named Migrant. A Migrant with an Allegiance is Sworn, and one with no Allegiance is Independent. New Migrants are always Independent, and Migrants default to having no Allegiance.

A Baron’s Allegiance is always to the Demon King, and this need not be explicitly tracked.

We want the society to be bigger than the Barons personally supervising everything, right?


SingularByte: he/him

02-09-2022 03:33:52 UTC

I could see this getting quite unwieldy in terms of tracking all of this info while a Migrant is unsettled. Currently none of the additional info is tracked if they’re stacked with another unsettled Migrant since it’s not a valid subtype, and it doesn’t block them from stacking.


02-09-2022 03:40:27 UTC

Perhaps it ought to be amended to settled Migrants?

SingularByte: he/him

02-09-2022 03:50:34 UTC

That would work, but we’d need to also consider what happens if a settled Migrant becomes unsettled (whether they just become anonymous, or whether they leave the game for good.)

SingularByte: he/him

02-09-2022 04:48:07 UTC

imperial  for now, but if this passes then I’ll leave actually naming them until it’s more concrete.


02-09-2022 04:57:38 UTC

I intend for there to be other ways to name them, but we also don’t need to worry about that yet.

Josh: he/they

02-09-2022 06:54:27 UTC


Brendan: he/him

02-09-2022 13:14:21 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

02-09-2022 14:15:33 UTC



02-09-2022 16:23:15 UTC



02-09-2022 17:31:32 UTC


Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

02-09-2022 18:23:44 UTC
