Proposal: Hello World
Quorums 4-0. — Quirck
Adminned at 14 Nov 2015 11:07:41 UTC
Add the following card to the end of the list in “Drawing”:-
- The World - When active, any Reader may post a comment on the most recent Spread linking to another web page which links back to that Spread (and which no Reader has previously linked to in this way): upon doing so, they gain the Aura of Acclaim.
To the rule “Auras”, add:-
A Reader cannot have more than one of the same Aura at any given time, nor gain an Aura which they have already gained since the most recent Drawing of a Card.
A retro encouragement to tell other people about BlogNomic, now that we’re down to three active players, one Emperor and one player apparently not taking part in the dynastic game.
Brendan: he/him