Proposal: He’s Gonna Find Out
Reaches quorum and enacts, 11-0. I think. Josh
Adminned at 21 Dec 2010 01:07:42 UTC
This special 25th-December gift-giving proposal is based on the Prisoner’s Dilemma. It gives all Mini Figures the opportunity to be nice to each other and receive bonus Funds. But each Mini Figure also has the opportunity to hurt another by being naughty. So if everybody’s nice, we’ll all get a lovely holiday gift. If everybody’s naughty, we’ll all lose a few Funds. But if some are naughty and others are nice… well, we all know where nice guys finish.
Add a Rule titled Making a List:
Before the 25th of December 2010, the Brick Master may place all active Mini Figures into Sets of two or three such that each Mini Figure belongs to exactly one Set. Within these parameters, the Brick Master may place Mini Figures into Sets according to any method that the Brick Master chooses.
Before the 25th of December 2010, the Brick Master may creat a Story Post stating which Mini Figures belong to which Set.
Before the 26th of December 2010, each Mini Figure may be either Naughty or Nice. The Mini Figure may be Nice by sending the Brick Master a private message with the subject “Nice.” A Mini Figure who does not send such a message is Naughty. Each Mini Figure may also be Naughty by sending the Brick Master a private message with the subject “Naughty.” No single Mini Figure may be both Naughty and Nice. If a Mini Figure attempts to be both Naughty and Nice, that Mini Figure is Naughty but is not Nice.
After the 25th of December 2010, but before the 28th of December 2010, the Brick Master may create a Story Post stating whether each Mini Figure is Naughty or Nice. After this Story Post has been posted, the following three conditions each apply exactly one time:
1. If all Mini Figures within a Set are Nice, then each Mini Figure within that Set may gain up to 25 Funds.
2. If all Mini Figures within a Set are Naughty, then each Mini Figure within that set shall lose 10 Funds.
3. If at least one Mini Figure within a Set is Naughty, and at least one Mini Figure within that Set is Nice, then all Naughty Mini Figures within that Set may gain up to 10 Funds, and all Nice Mini Figures within that Set shall lose 50 Funds.
If this rule would cause any Mini Figure’s Funds to decrease below 11, then instead this rule shall cause that Mini Figure’s Funds to decreas to exactly 11.
Removing DODT because the American military did, too. Also, just because you say you’ll be nice doesn’t mean you’re not lying.
If this proposal passes, but Josh doesn’t want the extra work, the rule allows him to ignore it.
Josh: he/they