Friday, November 09, 2007

Hey Wolves

Guess what. I am currently idle. So I can’t be killed by a town meeting or however you kill us now… I’ve really been too busy for nomic. But I was also a wolf before I went idle, which means I would still be a wolf if I ever unidle. So if you are a wolf, and you ever need me to do anything, I’d be more than happy to unidle long enough to do whatever it is that needs the doing, as long as I would have time to do it before I end up getting lynched by a crowd of angry villagers wanting free accuracy points before I can unidle myself.

Probably someone is going to do something to fix such a loophole before it happens. Or maybe I didn’t even bother reading the ruleset that closely and so what I am suggesting won’t work. But in the off chance it does, feel free to send me an email ( (my user name) at nomicville dot com) or drop me an IM (sirclucky) and I’d love to help.


Kevan: he/him

09-11-2007 19:24:56 UTC

Somebody did propose that villagers should automatically die when they go idle, but it was shot down. This does still need fixing.

Perhaps unidlers should return to the game in an equivalent of the gaol (perhaps a neighbouring village), and have to make a proposal to return to Zahndorf proper?


09-11-2007 19:26:35 UTC

If it’s a problem, we could always make a Town Meeting to lynch Clucky “on sight” next time he unidles.

Amnistar: he/him

09-11-2007 19:37:11 UTC

Alternatively, put in a rule that states that when anytime a villager unidles, any and all information about them is re-initialized, meaning clucky coming back could be a werewolf or a villager…though I’m not sure if that completely fixes the issue.

Kevan: he/him

09-11-2007 19:51:35 UTC

No, that’s abusable - people could keep idling in and out until they got the status they wanted. And there’s still the issue of people idling out to avoid being killed (either to sidestep a lynching, or just to stay safe at night).


09-11-2007 21:28:26 UTC

Some living Villager should post a town meeting: if Clucky unidles before the end of the Dynasty, kill him immediately.

Amnistar: he/him

09-11-2007 21:48:03 UTC

create a new rule, Clucky is dead.  It’s just in the rules.

Clucky: he/him

11-11-2007 19:21:34 UTC

The funny thing is, everyone assumed I was a werewolf. I could easily have been an innocent, using this to trap werewolves into revealing their true nature to me—then unidling and making a town meeting to lynch them all in a large bout of awesomness. But I guess all the werewolves were too smart for that. So I might as well just remain idle and forget about this all. (I is still a wolf though ...)


11-11-2007 21:35:37 UTC

Huh?  What makes you think we assumed you are/were a werewolf?

Clucky: he/him

11-11-2007 23:25:32 UTC

Obviously if you thought I wasn’t a werewolf, you would not have tried to kill me.

Honestly what I should’ve done was come out with like “Icarus contacted me. I was tricking Icarus. Kill Icarus. Lolz”. And then Icarus would have died, and by that point I would be idled and gone =P

Kevan: he/him

12-11-2007 15:58:57 UTC

The Persona Non Grata is only an “effectively dead” list - if you wanted to come back and carry on playing, you could just make a proposal to be moved off the list, once you were back.