no making proposals, no voting on proposals, no game actions.
thank you.
no making proposals, no voting on proposals, no game actions.
thank you.
No. Only when Doremi makes eir Ascension Address.
E may choose to retain any rule from this dynasty, and that would make some of the GNDT to remain unchanged.
Bother, I had an infinite popularity and TP scam all set up, but couldn’t find a way to win with it 8-(
Good work DRM
So did I, ChinDoGu. I DID have a way to win with it, though. I assume we found the same infinite scam. I was going to wait until just before the closing ceremonies to kick it off, though. As for how to win with it…
Once the closing ceremonies occurred, this sentence from 2.10 takes effect: “If two or more Olympians have the same score, the one with highest popularity(provided one exists) archives victory.”
It doesn’t say that they have to be tied for the HIGHEST score, though. So I would have tied with other Olympians with zero score, and had the highest popularity among them (among all Olympians, in fact).
Ooh. Nice. You were using the multiple forgives of a cheater loophole too?
Haha, I was looking into that TP/popularity generator as well.
r: the tp/popularity scam: “may post a reply” = “may post one reply [per Req. for Forgiveness]” was my interpretation.
spikebrennan: Idle
Given that a DoV has passed, would it be permitted (and if permitted, would it be advisable) for an admin to blank the GNDT, remove references to Olympic dynasty-specific game documents such as the events page, change the logo at the top to an interregnum logo, and so on?