Proposal: High Stakes Challenges
Passes 6-2. - Qwazukee
Adminned at 14 Jun 2009 21:08:20 UTC
Add a subrule, 2.12.1 titled “Immunity” with the following text:
The Challenge Champion of the last completed Challenge has Immunity until another Challenge has been completed. A Contestant with Immunity cannot become an Outsider by any means other than Confrontation.
Add a subrule, 2.12.2 titled “Extreme Challenge” with the following text:
If a Challenge includes the text [Extreme] in its title, then it is an Extreme Challenge. When an Extreme Challenge finishes, all Contestants who Failed that Challenge become Outsiders. All Contestants who Succeeded at an Extreme Challenge gain 1 Fame when that Challenge finishes (in addition to any Fame they might otherwise receive.)
Time to up the stakes on the Challenges, which have been high-quality but low risk. Immunity puts a lot up for grabs. I trust ais523 to use Extreme Challenges judiciously.
redtara: they/them