Thursday, December 12, 2024

Proposal: Highway to the Danger Zone

Timed out and enacted, 2-1. Josh

Adminned at 14 Dec 2024 20:14:08 UTC

In the rule “Items”, add the following to the bulleted list:

* Reverse Rocket: Subtract 20cm from your Position. (Passive effect: when a Predator’s Effect would change your Status, your Status instead remains unchanged, but you automatically Discard this Item. This automatic Discard counts as a Play, but ignores all restrictions for making the Discard Play, taking priority over any such Discard restrictions.)
* Flashy Shell Wrap: (Passive effect: W is the number of instances of this Item that you have. Add W to your Fame when you finish an Ongoing Race if you have not already done so for that Race. When there is an Ongoing Race, if your Plays have increased by N since the Race was created or since the last time you performed Spot Danger, you must Spot Danger before making another Play, where N is the maximum of (6 - W) and 1)



12-12-2024 06:21:20 UTC

How does Reverse Rocket interact with the grace period on Item usage? If a Predator gets you, does it:
- Not discard the Rocket, but you stay Healthy
- Discard the Rocket anyway even though it’s the grace period
- Just fail to do anything and you die

JonathanDark: he/him

12-12-2024 06:32:51 UTC

Good catch. I added text so that the automatic Discard ignores the Discard restrictions.

Josh: he/they

12-12-2024 14:36:24 UTC

against Flashy Shell Wrap feels like an adverse move, particularly in the Pulling Up The Ladder sense.

JonathanDark: he/him

12-12-2024 15:19:21 UTC

I wasn’t intending to make it more adverse for the folks who hadn’t acted yet in the Race. Would it help if I re-proposed this but at the same time revised the Predator rules to only target Healthy Snails with a positive Position, or maybe Healthy Snails who have at least 1 Play?


12-12-2024 15:56:55 UTC

for I quite like the shell wrap, personally. People who don’t show up at any time during the first day of the Race and can’t even be bothered to order any Reverse Rockets probably don’t deserve to win any medals

Josh: he/they

12-12-2024 16:16:30 UTC

I’m not sure that I agree that logging in during the first day should be mandatory! The community guidelines say ‘The rhythm of a dynasty of BlogNomic should not be less than 24 hours’ but to be honest even that feels a little restrictive - I wuld say a 48 hour window is the minimum reasonable interval we should be giving participants, reasonably.

JonathanDark: he/him

12-12-2024 20:00:29 UTC

Since Habanero has already voted in favor, I’ll propose a patch to the Predator rules as I described earlier, once I get a slot free. I can see how it’s a bit unfair for folks who haven’t made any Plays yet to get affected by the increased chance of Predators from someone with a Flashy Shell Wrap.