Proposal: Holy fire 2
Self-killed / vetoed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 08 Nov 2019 11:48:48 UTC
In the rule “Battles”, add a new Human Battle Action to the end of the relevant list, as follows:
Fire: Reduce the Monster’s HP and the Vanguard’s HP by X, where X is a random value between 1 and 50 inclusive. Reduce every other Adventurer’s HP by half the value of X (rounded down); reduce the Cathedral’s HP by double the value of X.
You’ll burn… Even if everyone else burns with you!
[I’ve already posted this once, but for some reason it disappeared.]
The Duke of Waltham: he/him
Can an admin please delete this? My original post disappeared for a few minutes and I thought I’d done something wrong, so I put it up again. Now there’s two of them.