Homo trikingicus
Welcome to a new generation of Ape. You are all now the children of the (first) Trigon, the undisputed matriarch of the Apes; and one of the bachelors: (the first) 9spaceking.
Most seem to have inhereited their mother’s keen sense of smell - with hide and seek being a popular game among the infants, to practice this ability. However, pokes (the second, like the others) sometimes has a hard time winning, she’s bigger and taller than the the others, so she’s easier to spot. However, she gets along with otherwise excluded Jumble, enjoying play-fights with each other. Card seems to be the most energetic of them all, and he’s just all over the place.
Then there’s Axemabaro. Why he enjoys to sit at the river bank, alone, hitting rocks together, the others don’t understand. He’s weird.
I did the New Generation event.
Lulu: she/her
I believe my Hunt action shouldn’t have given me 0 Food instead of 2 because I rolled a 1 and the rules state to roll a dice3 and if it comes up 1 or 2, gain that many food. I also had a Br gene.