Proposal: Horse of a Different Color
Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 12 Feb 2025 02:54:53 UTC
If either “The More The Merrier” or “Get Rolling” was not enacted, the rest of this Proposal has no effect.
In the rule “Isles of Boardgamia”, after the text “Each Token has a publicly tracked Position, which is a number that defaults to 1.” add the following text:
A Token whose Position matches the value in a square is said to occupy that square.
and in the same rule, replace the text “When a Meeple’s Position is a value that matches” with “When any of a Meeple’s Tokens occupies”.
In the rule “Squares”, after the text “a Meeple can set the color of a white square of their choice to a random color” add the following text:
, as long as that Meeple is not the Current Meeple and there are no Meeples whose Tokens occupy that square
In the rule “Sicherman Dice”:
* Replace “Red Dice” with “Red and Silver Dice”
* Replace “Orange Dice” with “Orange and Yellow Dice”
* Replace “Green Dice” with “Green and Turquoise Dice”
* Replace “Blue Dice” with “Blue and White Dice”
* Replace “Purple Dice” with “Purple and Black Dice”
In the same rule, replace the text “defaulting to Blue Dice.” with the following text:
defaulting to Blue and White Dice. As a Phase 1 Turn Action, a Meeple may change their Dice Type such that one of the colors in that chosen Type matches the color of a square that one of their Tokens occupies.
Making use of the rest of the colors to allow changing dice, which will likely be useful later. Also fixing up some Token position stuff. Finally, prohibiting changing the color of a square when it’s your turn or if that square is occupied, as either seems unfair.