Proposal: Hostile working conditions
Josh has an implicit FOR vote, and Kevan voted DEFERENTIAL, which means this passes 7-1. Enacted by Brendan.
Adminned at 10 Feb 2015 18:20:09 UTC
Flush the Marks.
Add a new subrule to the rule Androids, entitled Tampering:
Any Crewmember may Tamper by sending a PM to the Ship’s Computer with the subject line “Tamper: xxx”, where xxx is the name of a System as listed in the rule entitled Missions.
Upon receiving a Tamper message from a Crewmember, the Ship’s Computer should Alert the crew to a Pending Mission that takes place in the named System. If the Crewmember who sent the Tamper message to the Ship’s Computer is part of the response team for that mission, then it fails regardless of any other conditions.
An individual Crewmember may not Tamper with a system more than once every 48 hours.
Add a new subroutine to the subroutine list:
TRAK - Threshold: 11 OI. If the subject of this subroutine has Tampered with a System in the 48 hours preceding the execution of this subroutine, then the Crewmember who signed this subroutine is notified of that Crewmember’s identity by the Ship’s Computer.
In the rule entitled Missions, after the text “The Computer may, not more than once every 48 hours”, add the following:
(unless directed to as a result of Tampering)
Policy due to mark-flushing.