Proposal: Hot bribes
Timed out and enacted without the EVC rider, 5-1. Josh
Adminned at 28 Jan 2012 00:46:15 UTC
Amend rule 2.4 “Heat” by adding the following text as a second paragraph:
Whenever a Criminal performs an Assisted Action defined in rule 2.3 “Swag”, they must pay M times 100 Wealth, where M is the maximum of the Culprit and the Lookout’s Heats.
If half the number of Effective Vote Comments on this Proposal, rounded down, plus one include the text “KOEN MUST PAY AS WELL”, in all caps, then decrease Ltn Koen’s Wealth by 1,600.
If rule 2.8 “The New Don in Town” contains the text “A Criminal’s Leadership is equal to whichever value is highest out of their Wealth, Firepower, and Respect”, replace it with:
A Criminal’s Leadership is equal to whichever value is lowest out of their Wealth, Firepower, and Respect
Heat was supposed to be a bad thing, yet so far it hasn’t really mattered at all.
In case you think that’s dishonest of me to have other people pay when I did all of that for free, I think I should have paid 100+300+300+400+500 or something, hence the quorum of evc stuff.
The New Don in Town’s amendment have people need to raise all three of their ressources in order to win.