Proposal: Hot R on P on S action!
Self-killed. Brendan
Adminned at 08 Jul 2007 11:44:41 UTC
Add the following three subrules to the rule called “Productionâ€
A corporation may, at any time, reduce the count of eir rocks by 2*X to target another corporation with an attack strength of X. The scissors of that corporation are then reduced by attack strength of the attack. If the number of scissors held by the attacked corporation is less than strength of the attack, the attacked corporation loses all of eir scissors and (A-S) cash where A is the strength of attack and S is the number of scissors originally owned by the attack corporation.The production rights for Rocks are in the public domain.
A corporation may not attack any of eir Subsidiary’s nor can a Subsidiary attack eir parent company.
A corporation may, at any time, reduce the count of eir scissors by 2*X to target another corporation with an attack strength of X. The paper of that corporation are then reduced by attack strength of the attack. If the number of paper held by the attacked corporation is less than strength of the attack, the attacked corporation loses all of eir paper and (A-S) cash where A is the strength of attack and S is the number of paper originally owned by the attack corporation.The production rights for Scissors are in the public domain.
A corporation may not attack any of eir Subsidiary’s nor can a Subsidiary attack eir parent company.
A corporation may, at any time, reduce the count of eir paper by 2*X to target another corporation with an attack strength of X. The rocks of that corporation are then reduced by attack strength of the attack. If the number of rocks held by the attacked corporation is less than strength of the attack, the attacked corporation loses all of eir rocks and (A-S) cash where A is the strength of attack and S is the number of rocks originally owned by the attack corporation.The production rights for Paper are in the public domain.
A corporation may not attack any of eir Subsidiary’s nor can a Subsidiary attack eir parent company.
This might seem a little weak—but a couple of corporations could easily take out another corporation if it was anything stricter, and this leaves room for Daemons to make your attacks more powerful.
Brendan: he/him