Proposal: How can you have a government without forms?!
Times out at 17-2 and is Enacted. Perversity Point to Citizen Hgguy-R - lilomar
Adminned at 30 Jul 2010 11:42:42 UTC
Forms are critical to the success of a society. Without forms, there is chaos. Besides, from what I hear, The Computer loves forms. As such, create a new, blank Wiki page called “List of forms”.
Also create a new ULTRAVIOLET rule called “Forms” with the text:
A Form is a special type of Story Post. A form must match one of the formats set out in the wiki page entitled “List of forms”. Forms are similar to Proposals in that they may be passed or failed, but deciding whether or not a Form passes does not follow the same rules as Proposals.
Create a new subrule of “Forms” called “The Form-at” with the text:
A Form entry in the wiki page entitled “List of forms” consists of five parts. The first part is the title, which consists of no more than 4 capitalized letters and any number of digits. The title is used to identify the Form uniquely, and therefore no two Forms may have the same title. The title is a first level heading in the wiki page.
The second part is the description, which contains a description of the effects of passing that Form. The description should be written like a rule in that it describes exactly what happens when the Form passes, any necessary time frames involved, and in what order the listed actions should be taken. The description should NOT describe how a Form is passed. The description is under a second level heading of the wiki page.
The third part is the Form’s text. The Form’s text consists of labels with blanks (denoted by a series of underscores) next to them, with optional instructional text. A reasonable number of unnecessary labels and blanks are encouraged. The Form’s text is under a second heading of the wiki page.
The fourth part is the list of required signatories. This is a list of Citizens who must sign the form for it to be passed. There must be at least a required primary signatory, who is the Citizen who submits a Form to the blog. The list of required signatories may include specific Citizens, Citizens of a minimum or maximum Clearance, and/or any other criteria desired, including none. The list of required signatories is under a second heading of the wiki page.
The fifth part is an optional requirement of passage. This is a description of any other rules involved in the passage of a Form. It may include rules on who may pass the Form, when the Form may be passed, if any signatures are optional under certain conditions, etc. If included, the requirement of passage is under a second heading of the wiki page.
Create a subrule of “Forms” called “Form-ula for Passage” with the text:
In order to use a Form, the Citizen wishing to use the form creates a Story Post with only the title of the Form and the Form’s text in its body. When placing the Form’s Text in the body of the Story Post, the Citizen must replace all of the blanks in the text with information as requested by the associated label. In order to post the Form, the Citizen must satisfy any requirements set out in the list of required signatories regarding the primary signatory. If he does, he automatically signs the Form when he posts it. Anyone who can be a signatory of a Form may sign it by posting a comment with an arrow icon.
Once all required signatures have been collected, and the requirements set out in the requirements of passage have been satisfied, anyone explicitly permitted by the Form may pass the form by carrying out the description of the form. If no Citizen is explicitly permitted, then the primary signatory of the Form may pass it and carry out its description.
If any Citizen notices any error anywhere in the body of a Form post, he may post an against voting icon along with a description of the problem. If the concern is valid, the High-Programmer may fail the Form immediately, add 1 Treason point to the Citizen who posted the Form, and subtract 1 Treason point from the Citizen pointing out the error. Unless otherwise specified in the requirements of passage section of the Form, any Form which has not been passed in 48 hours may be failed by any Citizen. To fail a Form, the Citizen who wishes to fail the Form must post a comment to that effect. A failed form may never be passed, and a form which has been passed may not be passed again or failed, unless specified by the Form.
Obliv-I-OUS-3: “Good morning! I think a Commendation point has not been credited to my account, can you help me?”
Form-U-LAS-1: “Where’s your 29P4C, citizen?”
Obliv-I-OUS-3: “What?”
Form-U-LAS-1: “Form for requesting point correction. And do you have a valid, signed D150B3Y?”
Obliv-I-OUS-3: “Yeah, I have the first one, but what’s the second one?”
Form-U-LAS-1: “Never mind that, this 29P4C doesn’t have an attached L294NM!”
Obliv-I-OUS-3: “What’s that, now?”
Form-U-LAS-1: “Form for requesting form for point database verification! Have you been buying forms on the INFRARED market, commie?!”
Obliv-I-OUS-3: “What?! No! You just gave me that form a second…”
Form-U-LAS-1: “And you’ve just spoken to me, an ULTRAVIOLET, 5 times without saying ‘sir’! You can’t do that without a signed D150B3Y! That’s grounds for summary execution!”
Obliv-I-OUS-3: “But you said not to wor…”
Form-U-LAS-1: “That’s 6! Guards! Take this commie away for INFRARED market dealing and 6 counts of disrespect to an ULTRAVIOLET!”