Proposal: How much is that doggy in the window?
Fewer than a quorum not voting against. Failed 1-5 by Kevan.
Adminned at 03 Jul 2019 10:02:57 UTC
Create a new rule: Courtly Requests
As a weekly communal action, a Wizard or the King may create a random Request. A Request has a Requester, of which the valid options are the list of possible identities of Court Allies, and a Requested Creature, of which the valid options are the set of all creatures with two qualities and a creature type chosen from the [[list of animals]]. The Request shall be announced in a blog post, and the Request shall be recorded in the [[list of requests]].
As an atomic action, a Wizard may Fulfill a Request, by completing the following steps in order.
1. Remove the Requested Creature from their stable
2. Gain Courtly Favor equal to 5 + the trust of any Court Ally whose identity is the Requester, or 5 if no Court Ally exists with that identity.
3. Associating with the Requester as normal.
4. Removing the Request from the [[list of requests]]
“You see, it’s about my son,” the Councillor continued. “He drew this picture of a winged… rhinoceros? And normally I wouldn’t trouble you, but with his birthday coming up and everything…”
Court personalities make requests for beasts, and fulfilling them is an alternate way to make some courtly favor. (Also, I don’t completely understand atomic actions so this might be not how they work.)
Uh, so it’s first able comer gets it, once per week? Also, it is unclear which of the 3 or 4 selections must be made randomly. A random creature type would be hardest to match, I think, as you’d have to clear a stable first to create one.