Thursday, July 14, 2011

Proposal: How much wood would a wood chuck chuck?

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 17 Jul 2011 02:21:50 UTC

In the Subrule “Turn-based Actions” of the Rule “Turns”, change

Any Gladiator who has not yet done so during the current Turn may set their AP to 3; this action is known as Refreshing.


Any Gladiator who has not yet done so during the current Turn may set their AP to 3; this action is known as Refreshing and the Gladiator should comment this in the GNDT with “REFRESHING”.

and change

The following actions are Main Actions:-
Stepping. A Gladiator taking this action may move himself from his current Arena Square to an adjacent Arena Square that is not Blocked.
Shoving. A Gladiator taking this action may select a Gladiator in an adjacent Arena Square, and move that Gladiator into any square that Gladiator could legally Step into that is not adjacent to the Shoving Gladiator. If any Gladiators die as a result of processing the effects of the Shove, then the Shoving Gladiator is awarded one Frag for each such Gladiator death. Shoving costs 2AP.
Using a Weapon. The Gladiator may make an Attack with any single Weapon he is carrying. If any Gladiators die as a result of processing the effects of the Attack, then the Attacking Gladiator is awarded one Frag for each such Gladiator death.
Follow-through. If a Gladiator has been shoved since the last Turn Boundary, and has not taken a Main Action since the shove took place, then he may Follow Through as his next Main Action. When a Gladiator Follows Through, he may take a single Step or Shove at a cost 1AP cheaper than it would usually be, provided that it continues in the same direction of travel as the initial shove.


The following actions are Main Actions:
Stepping. A Gladiator taking this action may move himself from his current Arena Square to an adjacent Arena Square that is not Blocked. He shall comment this in the GNDT with “MAIN ACTION: Step from *origin* to *target*” where *origin* is the Square the Gladiator started in and *target* is the Square the Gladiator moved to.
Shoving. A Gladiator taking this action may select a Gladiator in an adjacent Arena Square, and move that Gladiator into any square that Gladiator could legally Step into that is not adjacent to the Shoving Gladiator. If any Gladiators die as a result of processing the effects of the Shove, then the Shoving Gladiator is awarded one Frag for each such Gladiator death. Shoving costs 2AP. He shall comment this in the GNDT with “MAIN ACTION: Shove of *victim* from *origin* to *target*” where *victim* is the Gladiator that is being shoved, *origin* is the Square the Gladiator started in and *target* is the Square the Gladiator moved to.
Using a Weapon. The Gladiator may make an Attack with any single Weapon he is carrying. If any Gladiators die as a result of processing the effects of the Attack, then the Attacking Gladiator is awarded one Frag for each such Gladiator death. He shall comment this in the GNDT with “MAIN ACTION: Use of weapon: *description*” where *description* is the Description given in the weapons definition.
Follow-through. If a Gladiator has been shoved since the last Turn Boundary, and has not taken a Main Action since the shove took place, then he may Follow Through as his next Main Action. When a Gladiator Follows Through, he may take a single Step or Shove at a cost 1AP cheaper than it would usually be, provided that it continues in the same direction of travel as the initial shove. He shall comment this in the GNDT with “MAIN ACTION: Follow through”.

In the Rule “Weapons” add to the definition of the Harpoon:

Description: “Harpoon on *victim*” where *victim* is the Attacked Gladiator.

In the Rule “Weapons” add to the definition of the Taser:

Description: “Taser on *victim*” where *victim* is the Attacked Gladiator.

In the Rule “Weapons” add to the definition of the Acid Barrel:

Description: “Acid Barrel on *target*” where *target* is the Attacked square.

If there is a definition of Grappling Hook in the Rule “Weapons”, add to it

Description: “Grappling Hook to pull *victim* to *target*” where *victim* is the Attacked Gladiator and *target* is the Square the Attacked Gladiator is pulled to.

If there is a definition of The ClingBoom Cup in the Rule “Weapons”, add to it

Description: The Cup, come and get some!”

In the Rule “Species” change

If a Gladiator is Resting and has an Icon, and if any valid Entry Points exist, that Gladiator may enter the Arena by occupying a single valid Entry Point and updating his Status to “Fighting”.


If a Gladiator is Resting and has an Icon, and if any valid Entry Points exist, that Gladiator may enter the Arena by occupying a single valid Entry Point and updating his Status to “Fighting”. A Gladiator entering the Arena shall comment this on the GNDT with “ENTERING at *entry*” where *entry* is the Entry Point the Gladiator occupies.

I know this is a long list, but it really just introduces the requirement to comment your actions and your entrances. I was correcting so many moves in the past couple days (and also was corrected some times) that I think we need to make sure we log the moves properly. In this dynasty, it’s probably less advisable to put several moves into one wiki or GNDT change. With this proposal, at least in the GNDT it should become obvious what has happened. (Traps still need to be included in this concept.)



14-07-2011 23:48:54 UTC

for  just skimmed. way too much for my brain


14-07-2011 23:51:19 UTC

against  Way too much for my brain.


15-07-2011 01:36:43 UTC

imperial tl;dr


15-07-2011 02:54:10 UTC

Repeating my against  Forcing this kind of logging makes it even easier for people to accidentally violate the rules (by not providing FLAWLESS logging).  Further, I fail to see how forced logging will prevent people from messing up.

I agree that players should try to keep their GNDT and gamestate updates delimited (and try to do so myself), but think that making such behavior a rule adds an unfair burden to players.  Making gameplay become a huge hassle is the kind of thing that causes idling.


15-07-2011 06:43:20 UTC

against as aguy


15-07-2011 06:46:50 UTC

against per yoda

SingularByte: he/him

15-07-2011 08:06:56 UTC



15-07-2011 08:27:31 UTC

I agree that too much logging might become a burden. But please, let’s find a way to at least make reversing moves and detecting illegal moves easier.

At least make it a rule somewhere that each move needs its own GNDT change and its own wiki page change.


15-07-2011 08:55:27 UTC

Better logging won’t make reversing moves significantly easier.


15-07-2011 09:05:40 UTC

I tend to disagree. For one, it would increase the chance that someone notices the bad moves before someone else makes another move based on the illegal gamestate such as moving onto a crate that isn’t there and therefore spending his AP without gaining anything.

I did a lot of reversing in the last two days, and not only (in fact, barely any) newbies, but for example Yoda, who was the last Announcer and is supposed to be an experienced player. It’s easy to revert something that happened if no one else did anything afterwards, but its hard if someone else did. In the latter case, it’d be helpful to know what exactly the offender did.

Additionally, the explicit logs might lead to people reading the rules they are using (to see how to log them).


15-07-2011 09:27:37 UTC


Josh: he/they

15-07-2011 09:37:18 UTC

against Better logging is important but this seems to me to be too rigidly prescriptive. It’s a nomic; reverting otherwise valid rules because of minor formatting transgressions is par for the course. I’d vote for something along the lines of “all actions that result in changes to the Arena map must be logged as individual actions in the wiki, along with a description of what event has taken place.”


15-07-2011 10:18:19 UTC

I obviously overdid things. Will reproprose something along Josh’s line of thought.

s/k against