Proposal: How to kill each other
Passed 7-2. Brendan
Adminned at 04 Jul 2007 08:38:47 UTC
Add a Dynastic Rule to the Ruleset. Call it “All-out war” and give it the following text.
Should a Corporation feel wronged by another Corporation (or just feel like starting a racket), it may make a Story Post with a title beginning with the string “Lawsuit:”. The first line of the post must end with the text “Multiplier: $xM” with ‘x’ replaced by a positive integer. It must go on to name a Corporation to be the Victim and describe the specific grievances. This type of post is called a Lawsuit, and the act of creation of a lawsuit is called filing. Upon filing a lawsuit, the Corporation who filed it must pay court fees equal to the Multiplier to the Government.
Once a lawsuit has been filed, there is a 24-hour period for discussion of the lawsuit. Bribery, slander and blackmail are encouraged during this phase. During this period the Government may veto the lawsuit, although e will only do so under extreme circumstances such as lawsuits for an infinite or practically infinite amount of money.
After the bribery and discussion period is over, Each Corporation may vote up to one time on the Lawsuit. Valid votes are FOR and AGAINST. If a Corporation votes more than once on the same Lawsuit, only its most recent vote counts.
48 hours after a Lawsuit has been filed, a Settlement is reached. The Corporation who filed the Lawsuit receives Cash according to the formula M(F-A) where M is the Lawsuit’s Multiplier and F and A are the number of FOR and AGAINST votes it received. The Victim loses the same amount of Cash. (If the formula results in a negative amount of cash, the Victim has successfully countersued.)
Josh: he/they