Proposal: How to safely add random rules
Passes 4-0 (Quorum 4) after 12 hours. -Bucky
Adminned at 17 Jun 2016 18:41:34 UTC
Add a new Dynastic Rule. Call it “Provisional rules” and give it the following text:
A Dynsastic Rule is considered Provisional if its name ends in “[?]” or if it is a subrule of a Provisional rule. To Mark a Dynastic rule as Provisional is to add “[?]” to the end of its name if it’s not already there, and to Unmark a rule is to remove “[?]” from the end of its name.
If a Provisional rule contradicts a non-Provisional Rule, the non-Provisional Rule always takes precedence. Additionally, a Provisional Rule cannot:
*Render illegal any pending Proposals or CfJs, or forbid any Scribe from making an otherwise legal Proposal or CfJ.
*Modify the rules of voting or enactment on a proposal that modifies it.
*Alter other Rules, or permit a person to alter those rules.
*Directly cause a Scribe to become Idle.
*Directly cause anyone to achieve victory.If a rule has been Provisional for the last week, any Scribe may Unmark it.
If there is a rule “Apocrypha”, change the last sentence of it to:
The Editor must then Mark it as Provisional.