Sunday, August 06, 2023

Proposal: Howdy, Partner!

Fewer than a quorum not voting AGAINST. Failed 2 votes to 3 by Kevan.

Adminned at 07 Aug 2023 07:50:35 UTC

Add a new rule named “Partners” and give it the following text:

Each District has a Partner, which must either be empty or contain the name of another District and defaults to empty. A District may set its Partner if it has not done so since the most recent Dilemma was posted, but only after Reacting to the most recent Ongoing Dilemma.

If two Districts have each others names in their Partner, they are considered to have a Partnership between each other. If there is a Partnership between two Districts, when a District in that Partnership applies an Upside or a Downside to themselves, they must also apply it to the District named as their Partner.

If a rule named “Special Cirumstances” exists, replace the text “Calculate B = 5 - Defences. If B is > 0, lose B People.” with

If a District’s Defences are less than 5, that District loses People equal to the difference

Districts can use this semi-alliance Partnership mechanic with each other in order to attempt to maximize gains and minimize losses, with the right choices in Upsides and Downsides. There are times when it may backfire, of course. There’s also the case where one District may React, apply the Upside and Downside, and then break the Partnership, leaving their Partner in the cold. I’m leaving that in on purpose as another risk of Partnerships.

The other part of this Proposal regarding Special Circumstances is just a wording tweak based on lemon’s recommendation.


lemon: she/her

06-08-2023 14:31:04 UTC

for interesting idea!

Kevan: he/him

06-08-2023 14:37:33 UTC


Josh: he/they

06-08-2023 15:56:52 UTC

against There aren’t enough of us for quasi-pooling to be a fun or interesting dynamic imo.


07-08-2023 00:07:13 UTC

against per Josh