Thursday, June 24, 2021

Proposal: Hunter the Hungry

Self-killed. Josh

Adminned at 26 Jun 2021 08:56:26 UTC

Add a new rule as a subrule to Vampire Lords, called Peons:

Peons are non-combat workers that Vampire Lords use to carry out their bidding. Each Vampire Lord has a non-zero integer number of Peons that is publicly tracked, and which defaults to zero. Peons are also publicly tracked in relation to Lit Rooms, where they are listed in the form of the name of the Vampire Lord who placed them there (eg an entry of Harris x3 under Peons for a room would denote three Peons placed in that room by Harris).

As a Power Action with a cost of 1, a Vampire Lord may Send Instructions to their Peons. When a Vampire Lord carries out a Send Instructions action then they may carry out as many of the following as they wish, repeatedly as appropriate:
* Reduce their Peons by 1. Add a Peon in their own name to the room of their choosing.
* Remove a Peon in their own name from a room and increase their Peons by 1.
* Move a Peon in their own name from one room to another room.

Whenever the Crypt Awakens, each Peon present in each room activates any Glyphs or Sigil Features that are present as if only the Glyphs or Sigils of the Vampire Lord that controls them were present. Whenever a room is Pacified, any Peons that are present in that Room are Freed, and are removed from the game.

Add a new rule as a subrule to Vampire Lords, called Hunting:

At any time, but no more than once between the completion of each Enter the Crypt action, each Vampire Lord may Terrorise Zahndorf.

When a Vampire Lord Terrorises Zahndorf they must randomly select one of the following outcomes: Feed, Influence, Denizen, Peon.

If the result is Feed then the performing Vampire Lord immediately gains 3 Puissance. If this results in the Vampire Lord having more than 15 Puissance then they must then immediately carry out a Blood Frenzy action.
If the result is Influence then the performing Vampire Lord immediately gains 1 Influence.
If the result is Denizen then they convert a citizen of Zahndorf into a monster under their bidding; they must immediately place a Denizen with 1 point in either Brutality or Cunning in the Location of their choice, with its Sycophancy set to themselves, and may optionally spend 2 Puissance to give that Denizen the Trait of their choice.
If the result is Peon then they mentally dominate a citizen of Zahndorf to act as their Peon; if possible, they must immediately reduce their Puissance by 3 and, if they do, award themselves one Peon.

Add the following to the list called Glyphs and Sigils in the rule Features:

* Each Vampire Lord with an engraved Sigil here gains 1 Peon (+3)
* A Denizen is spawned here with 1 Brutality for each Sigil present, with no Sycophancy (+2)


Brendan: he/him

24-06-2021 18:31:39 UTC

I don’t like that Enthrallment and Thralls are so closely named but totally divergent mechanics. Is the goal to create something that works like Denizens but with a recallable inventory? I’d rather just see that tacked onto Denizens.

Josh: he/they

24-06-2021 18:42:06 UTC

Dog, I forgot about the terminology, I’ll change it.

The idea is really orthogonal to denizens; it’s more about adding a worker placement layer to support engine-builder style gameplay.

Josh: he/they

24-06-2021 18:57:32 UTC

Thralls have become Peons

lemon: she/her

25-06-2021 00:23:30 UTC

adds complexity im not sure we need but i do quite like the hunting rule for

Kevan: he/him

25-06-2021 07:59:06 UTC

against Per Lemon. Does feel like it’s overlapping too much with Denizens, as well, both of which would now operate under slightly different “free/daily Power Action with a cost of 1 to move Peon/Denizen you control to any/adjacent room” mechanics.

Janet: she/her

25-06-2021 14:43:55 UTC

against per Kevan

Josh: he/they

25-06-2021 19:16:31 UTC

Richardo’s Seventh Expedition should hopefully illuminate a bit why I think this is needed: to allow Vampire Lords to plan ways to make Puissance gains less lumpy.

Clucky: he/him

26-06-2021 01:27:28 UTC


This could be done much better by adding a Denizen called “Peon”. We already have Sycophancy on Denizens perfectly set up for that.


26-06-2021 08:23:45 UTC


Josh: he/they

26-06-2021 08:55:59 UTC

s/k against