Proposal: Hyperdeflation
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 04 Jun 2021 15:33:39 UTC
To “Submissions”, add a paragraph:-
The piece of art submitted with the title of “Ten Trillion Dollars” shall instead be considered to have a title of “Zimbabwean Banknote”, for the purposes of all rules other than this one, and all of this rule’s subrules (although the piece of art may be referred to by either title in Ballot Submissions).
Clucky: he/him
my biggest concern with this is that it leaves people in a pickle where they can’t really vote for it because if they vote for “Zimbabwean Banknote” and this doesn’t pass, their ballot is invalid. But if they vote for “Ten Trillion Dollars” and this doesn’t pass, their ballot is also invalid.
leaving edit window open for you to get a fix that addresses this, but anything that results in people risking an invalid ballot submission by voting for the title mentioned in the post will get vetoed