Proposal: I am a Morning Person
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 02 Mar 2015 10:18:47 UTC
In a new paragraph in the Rule “Horoscopes” add the following:-
Birthsigns’ elements are connected to Weather Conditions if they are next to the same number in the Ruleset (The Eel is connected to Sun, The Bee is connected to Rain, etc.) Each Townsperson is Energized(X) tracked in a new GNDT field “Energized” where X is the number of elements in the Townsperson’s Birthsign that are connected to the Weather Condition that is in effect.
No more than once per season, each Townsperson may choose an element of their Birthsign and change it to a random element determined by rolling DICE6 in the GNDT.
No need to track something in a GNDT column if it’s derived from another GNDT column.