Proposal: I am king of this pile of bones, surrender your brains.
Adminned at 04 Oct 2009 16:42:08 UTC
Create a new rule, “Cetaceans are pretty smart”:
There is an Infected Survivor known as the Cadaverous King that can command other Infected Survivors to follow his or her will. As a daily action, the Cadaverous King can change the Watching of another Infected Survivor to any other valid value. Whenever an Infected Survivor other than the Cadaverous King votes DEFERENTIAL on a Proposal, if the Cadaverous King voted on that Proposal, the votes of those Survivors are instead counted as being of the same type as the vote made by the Cadaverous King.
Unless an Infected Survivor has voted AGAINST this Proposal, the author of this proposal is the Cadaverous King.
Times out 7-1 -Darth
ais523: Custodian