Saturday, June 12, 2021

Proposal: I built this

Timed out and enacted, 7-0. Josh

Adminned at 14 Jun 2021 08:53:52 UTC

At the end of the paragraph in “Lair Actions” that contains the word “Sigil”, add a new sentence:

A Vampire Lord cannot perform this action unless either the selected room has been continuously Explored since before the last-but-one time Richardo von Nestor Entered the Crypt; or the Vampire Lord performing the action is also the Vampire Lord who most recently caused the selected room to become Explored.

If a majority of EVCs on this proposal contain the word “Refund”, then remove all Vampire Lords but Clucky from the list of Vampire Lords with Sigils engraved in the Library of Souls, and increase the Puissance of each Vampire Lord removed from the list this way by 2 minus the number of times Richardo von Nestor entered the Library of Souls before this proposal was enacted (if this would be an increase by a negative number, it becomes a reduction by minus that number instead).

Right now, there’s no benefit to being the person to explore a room (except for use as your Sepulchre), because everyone else can immediately just turn up there too, and won’t have had to pay the costs to explore it. Neither pokes’s nor Clucky’s proposal fixes this.

This gives the Vampire Lord who explores a room two expeditions’ worth of exclusivity on placing Sigils there, meaning that if someone wants to go to the effort of making a room, they can get a bit of a head start on making use of it.

Also adding an option to effectively make this change retroactive, allowing Clucky the exclusivity period for their exploration of the Library of Souls even though it was explored before this proposal was posted; it sets the gamestate to the state it would be been in if all the Sigil engravings but Clucky’s had been illegal.


Josh: he/they

12-06-2021 10:11:34 UTC


Kevan: he/him

12-06-2021 10:26:01 UTC



12-06-2021 12:14:05 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

12-06-2021 12:17:35 UTC


Clucky: he/him

12-06-2021 16:49:10 UTC


first off, the game already feels a bit slow and this would just slow it down more

there also feels like there are certainly times when a person exploring a room *wants* more sigils there

Janet: she/her

12-06-2021 23:14:40 UTC


Lulu: she/her

13-06-2021 10:51:42 UTC
