Proposal: I can’t work like this! It’s unprofessional!
Quorum reached. Fails 1-15.
Adminned at 07 Feb 2007 13:45:50 UTC
Add a new rule, entitled “Being a Diva”.
All Actors have certain pet hates in their co-stars. An Actor may never have the same film listed in eir filmography as another actor who has their pet peeve as a Gossip Story. If an Actor gains a Gossip Story after appearing in a film with an Actor to whom that story is a pet peeve, then the film must be withdraw from the the actor with the Pet Peeve (i.e. it must be removed from their filmography); this does not have any retroactive effect on the legality activities already undertaken, but the actor must replace the role that e undertook on the film e withdrew from before e may add any new roles to eir list.
Actors mutually excluded from films in this manner are considered to be ‘Enemies’ or ‘Rivals’, and my occasionally trash-talk about each other by posting to the gamestate.
New or un-idled Actors must immediately chose a Pet Peeve upon joining the game, and may not undertake any other game actions until they have done so. Pet Peeves are tracked in the GNDT and may never be changed unless the rulestate specifically permits it elsewhere.
Upon the passage of this proposal, all Actors should chose a pet peeve from the list of available Gossip Stories before undertaking any further game actions. Actors who have no Pet Peeve after 48 hours from the passage of this proposal may have eir Pet Peeve selected at random by any other Actor.
If the Proposal titled “Proposal: Betty Ford, Here I Come” passed, add the following to the rule:
If an Actor ever has eir own Pet Peeve as a Gossip Story, then they immediately have eir Rehab set to “XXX” and becomes Washed Up.
If e then loses that Gossip Story, then e may remove all Xs from eir Rehab column and gains “Making a Comeback” as a Gossip Story instead.
And add the following to the end of the list of Gossip Stories:
* Making a Comeback
While an Actor has “Making a Comeback” as a Gossip Story, they cannot be admitted to Rehab.
spikebrennan: Idle