Declaration of Victory: I ended the race while it was still starting
FOR Votes greater than 2/3rds of the number of Snails (5-0), and it has been open for at least 24 hours. Enacted by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 14 Jan 2025 16:00:35 UTC
I managed to perform all the steps of an Award Ceremony while DesertFrog was still midway through performing the Preparations action. At the point at which I performed them, the Race was ongoing (it was after the “Create a new Race” step), but there were no Racing Snails (it was before the “Set the Position of each Gastropod who is on the Track or on the Bench to a random value between -10 and 10, inclusive” step). This is a legal situation in which to perform the Award Ceremony.
Josh and I tie for the fewest Plays, so we both achieve victory. (The Track Record subtraction only happens when a snail crosses the line.)
Just to clarify: Josh had no idea I was going to do this and we haven’t collaborated at all on this nor since Every Snail For Themselves passed, but I’ll take my guaranteed win over a mere chance of a win even if it means a coregency. Desertfrog also had no idea I was going to do this and I haven’t collaborated/cooperated at all with them this dynasty. I wasn’t planning for the timing scam, but rather seized the opportunity when I noticed it was there – the “Select the Slug of Death and 3 other Slugs at random” step is slow enough that I’m not 100% surprised that I managed an Award Ceremony during it.
I’m afraid your Award Ceremony was illegally carried out - you forgot to increase the Snail Fame for being Healthy. It’s a good shot and almost worked, but I’ll have to
on that basis (when the timing is so tight like this, it’s dubious to go back and correct something like that like we would normally)