Proposal: I even want a free market
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 09 Mar 2010 04:03:39 UTC
Enact a new subrule of Rule 2.1 “Commoner’s Economy†entitled “Free Market Tradeâ€, which reads as follows:
As a Weekly Action a Commoner may trade with the market directly: They may decrease the amount, known as the “Offered Amount” of any Resource to any value higher or equal than zero. The difference between the previous and the current amount of this Resource is known as the “Offered Resourceâ€. They may now increase any other Resource (of their Resources), known as the “Sought Resourceâ€, by a “Free Market Amountâ€. This “Free Market Amount†is calculated as the total Amount of all Commoners of the “Sought Resourceâ€, divided by the total current Amount of all Commoners of the “Offered Resourceâ€, multiplied by the “Offered Amount”, rounded down. If no Commoner, including the Commoner, who likes to trade, own the “Sought Ressource†or the “Offered Ressourceâ€, the trade will not be possible.
For example: If a Commoner would like to trade 100 Coal, the total Amount of the Offered Ressource may be 1000 Coal then (after the Commoner has decreased his or her Coal!) and the total Amount of the Sought Resource, Iron, is calculated as 500. This Commoner would receive 50 Iron then.
repropose again: I forgot to multiply with the Offered Amount.
» I was thinking of reducing the “Free Market Amount†(mabye just 4/5 or so), but I think it’s enough to do not count the Trader’s Amount of the “Offered Resourceâ€. If you want to trade a lot or if you are the only one, who owns lots of a Resource, you may not trade that easy…†«
Kevan: he/him
Having to trade with other players seems more interesting, and healthier for the game. If I always have the option of trading at base value with the bank (with my paid resources being safely destroyed), I’d need a big incentive to trade with an opponent who’d instead get to keep the resources I’ve lost.