Declaration of Victory: I have it in the bag
Times out, fails 9-4 -Darth
Adminned at 13 Jan 2010 07:51:43 UTC
I declare victory, based on the following analysis:
1. I possess the Bag of London
2. By necessary implication, I possess all objects, including Relics, that are in the Bag of London.
3. Per the Universe page, London, Ontario is in the Bag of London.
4. By operation of AIS’s wish, Funafuti’s location is identical to the location of London, Ontario.
5. By necessary implication, Funafuti (and all Relics sharing a location at Funafuti) are in the Bag of London
6. Therefore, I possess all Relics, including all four amulets that enable me to declare Victory.
Darknight: he/him
Relics were not ever but into the bag spike. Nor did I grant the speed wish, as u yourself said that if ya first wish wasn’t granted then the second didn’t count as a wish. And new location, new 24hr count down.