Proposal: I Just Have A Few Changes
Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 31 May 2024 11:04:57 UTC
If “Draw O’Clock” was not enacted, this Proposal has no effect.
Add a new rule called “Proofreading” with the following text:
A Proposal whose only effect is to directly change the contents of The Story is known as a Proofreading. A Proofreading has the following additional rules:
* A Storyteller may only post a Proofreading as a Story Action.
* The text of The Story to be changed must be 2-10 contiguous words, and that text must be replaced by 2-10 contiguous English words, which may contain some of the same words that were replaced.
* The Publisher may not vote on a Proofreading.
* The Publisher does not count when determining quorum for a Proofreading.
This provides an alternate activity for Storytellers that is public-facing. It’s also a safety mechanism in case any part of The Story doesn’t make narrative sense or is otherwise unintelligible.
Kevan: he/him
This doesn’t seem a million miles from just saying “a proposal whose only effect is to replace 2-10 existing contiguous words in The Story is known as a Proofreading”.