Proposal: I Knew Him, Horatio.
Passes at 10-0. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 10 Dec 2010 00:40:31 UTC
Add to rule “Constancy”:
The “Mortals” wiki page and the “Temple” GNDT statistic are considered Gamestate even if the rules that regulate their alteration currently do not apply.
Change the rule “Temples [II]” to the following:
Each Divinity may have a temple, the status of which is tracked in the GNDT, and defaults to “Not Built”. A temple’s status may be any one of the following:
* Sanctum Sanctorum
* Aedis Magna
* Templum
* Delubrum Parvum
* Not Built
The current Temple Rule doesn’t really work if it only applies for one Age.
This also renames the possible states of temples to flavourful names for increasingly large holy places, and makes it so that the gameplay in the third Age can take the events of the first two into account.