Proposal: I Know What You Do In The Dark
Times out 1-3. Failed by Brendan.
Adminned at 06 Mar 2021 17:35:16 UTC
Add a new subrule to “The Masquerade” called “Unmasking”
As a Seasonal Action, an Elector may send the Doge an Unmasking List by private message, which consists of the name of every Elector (or Idle Elector) who was an Elector at the time the current Season began, as well what their Political Power and Secret Faction were at the time the the Season began (as listed in the Masquerade report)
At their earliest convenience after receiving such a list, the Doge should evaluate its correctness. The list is correct if the Elector managed to correctly deduce what the Political Power and Secret Faction of every single Elector or Idle Elector they listed (at the time the the Season began) was, otherwise it is incorrect. After doing so, the Doge must send a reply confirming the correctness or incorrectness of the list. If the List is correct, the Elector who made the list gains 3 Political Power. If it is incorrect, the Elector loses 2 Political Power.
Provides a way of gaining power by accurately determining who every single elector is.