Proposal: I like to move it, move it
Self-killed. Josh
Adminned at 24 Jun 2012 00:43:45 UTC
If the “Retheme” proposal fails, this proposal does nothing.
Add a new rule “Working on the Machines” with the text:
Each Worker may have a Current Machine he is working on. The number of the Current Machine is tracked in the GNDT. If a Worker has no Current Machine, he may choose any.
Set Current Machine for Workers who have established some Power Links to their Reference Point (that is, the outcome of their last navigation).
To the subrule “Power Links” append
If there is a Power Link between a Worker’s Current Machine and another Machine Y, that Worker may for 1 Quota move to the Machine Y by setting his Current Machine number to Y.
If the proposal “Movement” passes, replace
When a Worker performs a Shift Change, they activate a Machine
in the subrule “Translocation” with
When a Worker performs a Shift Change, they activate their Current Machine
I’d like to track the Reference Point and reuse established links to move faster.