Proposal: I love making stuff up
cannot be enacted without cov, final vote 1-2-8—Yoda
Adminned at 22 Oct 2008 15:45:27 UTC
Add the following to sub-rule “List of Valid Items”:
Rock: A hard and heavy rock that can be used for throwing and smashing. When used in battle, roll DICE3 and on a 1, the next time during this battle that the opponent takes any type of Damage, that Damage is considered Crushing, then regardless of the roll result remove the Rock from your items.
Paper: A declaration of truce that will bring dishonor to Clansmen that dares attack you. As long as you have Paper in your inventory, other Clansmen that Damage you loose DICE3 their honor every time they do. If the damage is Crushing, the honor lost is multiplied by four.
Scissors: A primitive but still sharp double blade, useful for slicing through most materials. You may use it at anytime you would deal Damage. If you do, instead of dealing Damage you may remove any one Item from the damaged Clansmen, except for Items called Rock, then remove Scissors from your items.
Each Clansmen who voted on this proposal may once, within 24 hours of the passing of this proposal, choose one Item from the “List of Valid Items” and add it to their Items if they are currently holding no Items. If they don’t choose an Item, they may increase their honor by 2 instead.