I may as well
Hah, fooled you!
But I may as well ‘believe’ that I have achieved victory, it couldn’t hurt.
If a Swashbuckler believes that e has achieved victory as specified in the current Ruleset, e may Make a Post (http://blognomic.com/update/index.php?C=publish) to the Blognomic frontpage entitled “Declaration of Victory”, and a Hiatus begins. So long as the Hiatus is in effect, the only game actions that may be taken are those covered by laws 1.2, 1.6, and 1.9.
Every Swashbuckler may respond to the Declaration of Victory saying whether e regards it as legal or illegal (using the FOR, AGAINST and DEFERENTIAL icons). The following stipulations must be true before a DoV may pass or fail.
So do you all think you’ve won, now? Should we call this ‘The Semantics Dynasty’ in the history ;)