Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Proposal: I remember that time when…

Quorum against -SingularByte

Adminned at 20 May 2009 01:41:32 UTC

Create a new rule, “Flashback”:

At times, Contestants may gather in a room and do stuff together, resulting in interesting extra footage that can also be shown during broadcast time in the form of Flashbacks. Whenever a Contestant makes a proposal, other Contestants that vote on it may include an arrow symbol with their vote (this action is known as Flashing), signifying that they consider the Proposal as flashback worthy. If the Proposal becomes enacted, the Proposer and each Flashing Candidate that shares their location with the Proposer at the time of enactment may raise their Fame by 1 a single time before the next broadcast takes place. However, if the Proposal becomes fails having a Quorum of AGAINST votes or more, the Fame of each Contestant that Flashed it shall be lowered by 1 immediately, as they fade (quickly) into obscurity.



19-05-2009 01:25:04 UTC

against .  Just don’t like it.


19-05-2009 03:08:34 UTC


Darknight: he/him

19-05-2009 03:32:02 UTC



19-05-2009 03:41:10 UTC



19-05-2009 04:36:00 UTC



19-05-2009 05:58:20 UTC



19-05-2009 07:08:09 UTC

‘if the Proposal becomes fails ’ becomes failed? But yeah that counts as a typographical error, so that can be fixed. ‘each Flashing Candidate’ presumably is supposed to be ‘each Flashing Contestant’? nevertheless,  for  arrow

Kevan: he/him

19-05-2009 07:14:22 UTC

against I’m not sure what the mechanic has to do with the flavour. And an incentive to vote late (or, at least, to cast your vote again but this time with a Flash, now that it looks like a proposal will pass) seems unhelpful.


19-05-2009 09:28:54 UTC

against This seems like an overly easy way to gain fame, all that is required is for a group of people such as the (non-extant) DDA to all agree to vote yes and flash and they all go up just by making sure that they are in the right room. Also what if the proposer is Out who then would get the fame?

redtara: they/them

19-05-2009 10:31:02 UTC



19-05-2009 11:26:27 UTC

against , although I’m hoping Fame will happen soon. . . .


19-05-2009 11:59:29 UTC

on the note of Fame, why is everyone’s fame ‘-’ when it should be ‘0’? (incidentally, what is - +1?)

Kevan: he/him

19-05-2009 12:27:29 UTC

That’s just the blank default value that the GNDT assigns to new variables. Whoever adminned the Fame proposal should have set them all to zero.


19-05-2009 13:00:15 UTC



19-05-2009 13:45:15 UTC

against too abusable as per Psychotipath


19-05-2009 17:01:11 UTC

CoV against  per Psychotipath; but the DDA is extant.


19-05-2009 18:17:00 UTC

against Change of Vote

ais523: Custodian

19-05-2009 19:40:10 UTC

against abusable

redtara: they/them

19-05-2009 19:56:08 UTC

CoV for

SingularByte: he/him

20-05-2009 08:40:43 UTC
