Proposal: I wanna go there too
reached quorum, final vote 8-0—Yoda
enacted w/o add-on
Adminned at 16 Nov 2008 22:13:26 UTC
Add the following text to rule “Locations”:
Each Character tracks their current location in a GNDT column called Location. A Character’s location may be any one which exists in the wiki document Locations, or the special value “Nowhere”. As a weekly action, each Character may change their location to any of those valid values.
If more than half of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “Make em”, add the following text as well:
As separate weekly action, a Character currently in Nowhere may add a new location to the wiki document Locations.
One thing though: it does not state where new characters start nor where existing characters should be placed.
Also, definitely against the add-on. Adding them through proposals or other gamestate actions should be good enough.