Friday, May 15, 2009

Proposal: I wanna hold your stuff

16 votes against - can’t pass without a change of vote. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 16 May 2009 10:58:59 UTC

Create a new rule called “Items” with the following text:

Every Contestant has the ability to hold Items, tracked in the GNDT under the column “Inventory”, which is defaulted to (empty).

Every Item has a Name, Description, Use, and Pickup Condition.

Only the Name is tracked in the GNDT.

Items include the following:
Pipe - A sturdy Metal Pipe - A Pipe may be used to cripple another player, making them unable to perform any game actions for 24 hours, the pipe is then removed from the users inventory - If a contestant is Out for more than 24 hours they can pickup a pipe, IF they haven’t picked up a pipe since they became Out and there isn’t a Pipe in their inventory.

If the Rule “The Bunker” does not exist, the following parts of this proposal do nothing.

add the following to the rule “Items”

Pillow - A soft fluffy pillow - A Pillow may be used to *BONK* another player in the same room - A Contestant may only hold one pillow at a time, and may only pickup Pillows in the Bedroom.


An angry thing and a nice thing.  I think In contestants should be ‘good’ and out contestants should be ‘evil’ but this isn’t certain as of yet.



15-05-2009 13:57:12 UTC


Kevan: he/him

15-05-2009 13:59:42 UTC

imperial Feels a bit off-theme to me (aren’t these shows about being trapped in an alien environment with no personal possessions?), but I’ll leave it to the Host.


15-05-2009 14:16:32 UTC

against any game actions? That could have ridiculous consequences.  For example, I don’t think a dynastic rule should ever allow one person to stop another person casting votes…


15-05-2009 14:19:21 UTC

CoV per Dev.  against


15-05-2009 14:22:58 UTC

for People won’t use the metal pipe very often I’m sure, only Outsiders can get it, although picking it up and threatening people to vote ‘for’ on your proposal so you can get back in might be interesting. Obviously there could be some serious abuse of many people having metal pipes in a group, using them to stop a whole load of other people from doing anything (maybe items should be unique). Perhaps the pipe shouldn’t be allowed to be used on the Host (or have even more serious consequences?).


15-05-2009 14:34:13 UTC

against CoV, just re-read and I realised, what are ‘players’? the ruleset mentions ‘Contestants’ but not players. You might want to actually repost this proposal :/

“A Pipe may be used to cripple another player”
“A Pillow may be used to *BONK* another player”


15-05-2009 14:39:20 UTC

against as per Dev.  I don’t like any rule that prevents voting.  Also is adminning a proposal a “game action”?  I don’t like the idea that someone could force the game to a halt even if it is unlikley.  Sorry.


15-05-2009 15:16:14 UTC



15-05-2009 16:28:48 UTC

against .  Restrict the Pipe to dynastic rules only!


15-05-2009 17:36:23 UTC


SingularByte: he/him

15-05-2009 18:24:16 UTC



15-05-2009 20:14:16 UTC

imperial as long as you can only use it on “players”, and not contestants.

Darknight: he/him

15-05-2009 20:40:09 UTC



15-05-2009 21:01:19 UTC



15-05-2009 22:19:47 UTC



16-05-2009 06:19:09 UTC


ais523: Custodian

16-05-2009 09:10:41 UTC

against Broken, and I really don’t like the idea of a dynastic rule that’s capable of affecting votes on CfJs.