Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Proposal: I wanna live forever! Light up the sky like a flame!

Self Killed—Clucky

Adminned at 07 Feb 2007 13:47:11 UTC

Baby remember my name!  Remember… Remember… Remember…

If Proposal: “Fame and Fortune” is not adopted then this Proposal does nothing.

Proposed new Dynastic rule: Fame adjustments:

Subject to any Rule that places limits or conditions on the award of Fame points:
(A) If an Actor makes a Proposal that passes, and either: (i) no “NO” votes were cast for that Proposal, or (ii) at least ten (10) more “YES” votes (including votes that have the effect of “YES” votes), then the Actor that made that Proposal is awarded one (1) Fame point.
(B) If an Actor (other than the Investor) makes a Proposal that passes, and the text of the Proposal includes a film quote from the imdb.com database that the Investor in eis sole discretion deems to be witty and germane to the subject matter of the Proposal, then the Investor in eis sole discretion may award the Actor who made the Proposal one (1) Fame point (which may be in addition to any Fame point awarded under part (A) of this Rule).

Points for popularity, points for style.



06-02-2007 16:35:57 UTC

Every proposal that someone makes would award them Fame. This would bias people against enacting new proposals on the basis who proposed it. The system would be down.  against

Josh: he/they

06-02-2007 16:38:57 UTC

against Eh, it’s not bad, but I don’t really want to go back to linking currency to proposals.

Angry Grasshopper:

06-02-2007 16:42:52 UTC


Part (B) is at the whim of the Investor, though the proportion of FOR votes should probably be linked to Quorum.

Kevan: he/him

06-02-2007 16:53:47 UTC

against It’ll probably encourage some annoying tactical voting, which will slow the game down. And I don’t feel like tying proposal success to game success, this Dynasty.


06-02-2007 17:09:51 UTC

Part B is no good for me, but Part A is a good idea.  against


06-02-2007 17:21:35 UTC

Part A should be linked to quorum, if anything.

But nope. against


06-02-2007 17:47:58 UTC

against Other issues:  The trigger of “an Actor makes a Proposal that passes” will never trigger unless we are somehow able to see into the future.  The votes are not “YES” and “NO”.


06-02-2007 18:06:51 UTC



06-02-2007 18:42:12 UTC



06-02-2007 19:27:40 UTC



06-02-2007 22:14:42 UTC



06-02-2007 23:01:18 UTC

against seppuku, since this is going down in flames anyway


06-02-2007 23:09:30 UTC

Part A should definitely be tied to quorum, and fame on a scale of 1-10 with 1-2 points possible for every passed proposal might be a little much. I like passing proposals doing something favorable, but this sems almost too favorable (depending on what fame ends up doing)

Elias IX:

07-02-2007 00:05:05 UTC



07-02-2007 00:44:36 UTC



07-02-2007 02:05:11 UTC

against No, I think fame should be gained by starring in films, not enacting proposals.


07-02-2007 02:56:37 UTC

Quorum reached. Dead on arrival.


07-02-2007 04:22:55 UTC

Just so we’re clear, this is also self-killed.