Thursday, November 14, 2013

I want a Marshal

Oh Star of Wisdom, Ruler of all that is Nomical, oh Mighty Despot etc. etc.

Why can’t I appoint my Air Marshals (in the GNDT)? All your planes are collecting dust at the moment.

Your humble servant,



14-11-2013 23:38:32 UTC

What do you mean?
You must spend 2 Power and make “Marshal” the Office of your recruits.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

14-11-2013 23:51:02 UTC

“Marshall” appears not to be an option in the Office dropdown. I shall have to have the enacting officer flogged.

In the meanwhile, it appears to be fixed. Please proceed, Brigadier.


15-11-2013 11:52:25 UTC

Would the position of air marshall grant one the authority to requisition a helicopter to fly one to and from one’s golf lessons? If so, I might be interested.