Proposal: I Want Penguinsa
Passed with quorum at 11 to 1. Yay, penguins! - Jack
Adminned at 05 Mar 2008 12:12:29 UTC
Add a new dynastic rule entitled ‘Pets’ with the following text:
Every Captain shall have a Pet, which shall be one of {Penguin, Monkey, Parrot, Cow}, shall be set once only, must be set before any change in eir “Army Size”, and shall be tracked in the GNDT under “Pet”
Replace the sentence in the rule entitled ‘Army of Monkeys’,
Each captain has an army of monkeys to assist them, the size of which is tracked in a GNDT called “Army Sizeâ€.
Each Captain has an army of the same type of eir Pet to assist them, the size of which is tracked in a GNDT called “Army Sizeâ€.
Replace the sentence in the rule entitled ‘Army of Monkeys’,
At any time, a captain may increase the size of their monkey army by one, by paying 2n + 1 gold where n is the current size of their army.
At any time, a captain may increase the size of their army by one, by paying 2n + 1 gold where n is the current size of their army.
Darknight: he/him